Friday, October 30, 2009

[HvEXAS] TONIGHT | The Official Unofficial TNO Afterparty: Halloween! | Fri. 10/30 @ 9 pm | Daisy Baker's, Troy, NY | Free!


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The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out 
(presented by Goodship & Daisy Baker's)

Friday October 30th , 2009
9 pm to 2 am
Daisy Baker's
33 2nd Street, Troy, New York, 12180
FREE! / got to be 18 to get in (ID required)

Good lords and good devils, fear not we have emerged. 

Some planning and life issues held up the TNO afterparty this month but it is finally all in effect to provide any and all of you with a great Friday night of tomfoolery if interested.

We understand it is late notice, but the night is absolutely free and usually gets to be quite the ruckus. Pre game here, post game here, whatever you like. 

Music from mcgillicuddy, white lotus, back from japan, jenkins, looks to be a good time for all. 

Costumes and dancing highly recommended!


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Thursday, October 29, 2009

[HvEXAS] Tonight, 9pm ||| Thursday Mix-Up ||| White Lotus & Nate da Great spinning eclectic hip-hop, funk, disco, and your new favorite song ||| Daisy Baker's, Free


And tomorrow night, the TNO Afterparty with Mcgillicuddy, White Lotus, Back from Japan & Jenkins.  Same bat time, same bat channel.  (That means 9pm at Daisy's)

Thursday Mix-up

with DJs White Lotus & Nate da Great

Presented by Goodship and Daisy Baker's

** $2 PBR cans, all night. **
** [amazing] Burgers until 10:30 **

Every Thursday this Fall (Tonight!)

Daisy Baker's

9pm to 1am


33 2nd Street

Troy, NY 12180


Thursdays is the new Friday, ya heard?

Nate da Great and White Lotus throw down funk, hip hop, disco and woah every Thursday this Fall, 9pm, at Daisy Baker's.

Every week this fall come drink a beer, max out and groove to White Lotus and Nate da Great. These two know good music for real. Nate da Great had one of the best hip hop shows e.v.e.r. on WRPI, and White Lotus is a regional veteran of rhyme-spitting and wax-scratching.

It's like woah.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

[HvEXAS] EMPAC | Workspace Unlimited: They Watch + New Nothing Series: Zs and Little Women | October 30


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Workspace Unlimited: They Watch
Monday – Saturday October 30 – December 16, noon - 6 PM 
Opening reception with the artists: 
  Friday October 30, 5 - 9 PM 
Full Immersion: Art and the 360-degree screen: 
  Tuesday November 17, 7 PM 
Free + Open to the Public

When you play a video game, the virtual world remains confined to the screen. But viewers of They Watch will find themselves inside a virtual world bounded by a 360° projection screen. There, they'll encounter virtual beings or "bots", which watch them and, sometimes, ask them questions. Workspace Unlimited's installation artfully probes the boundary between the virtual and the real, the scripted and the spontaneous, the artificial and the human.

Reservations for viewing are required (they are free!) - they can be made by calling the EMPAC Box Office (518.276.3921).

The opening of They Watch on 10/30 is in conjunction with Troy Night Out.  We will be running the Red Hawk shuttle between the EMPAC east entrance and the Arts Center on River Street between 4:30 + midnight.  Catch it!

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Art21: Systems 
Wednesday October 28, 7:30 PM 
Free + Open to the Public

A special preview screening of Systems, the fourth episode from the fifth season of the award-winning program Art21, including interviews with Julie Mehretu, John Baldessari, Kimsooja, and Allan McCollum.

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New Nothing Series 
Zs & Little Women 
Friday October 30, 8 PM 
$15 / $10 / $5 

"These days, anything goes..."  Zs, the scariest band from EMPAC's Between a Rock and a Tiny Bell concert, returns on Halloween (well ok, a day before) for a careening set of "[sputtering] Morse code dots of percussion and saxophone" (Ben Sisario, New York Times) as part of the New Nothing series.  Opening will be Little Women, a quartet whose ghost notes and violent disassembling of their instruments concoct riotous sets that run the gamut from pop to free jazz to noise and back again.

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Marc Downie: FIELD Talk and Weekend-long workshop 
Talk: Friday November 6, 7 PM 
Free + Open to the Public 
Workshop: Saturday & Sunday November 7 & 8 
$110 / $55 

Marc Downie, the creator of the powerful digital art programming environment FIELD, gives a talk on the software and leads a two-day workshop in its manifold uses.

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Saturday November 7, 7:30 PM 

The official premiere of four new works created through this year's DANCE MOViES Commission, the EMPAC program that brings together moving bodies and the moving image.

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New Nothing Series 
Skeleton$, Luciano Chessa + Dan Deacon 
Friday, November 13, 8 PM 
$15 / $10 / $5 

Punky funk meets Futurism and homespun electro in this paradoxical grouping of artists from far ends of the musical spectrum. 

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Garth Knox 
Saturday November 14, 8 PM 
$15 / $10 / $5 

A world master of the viola plays an evening of music—some very old, some very new-- written expressly for his instrument and its baroque-era cousin, the viola d'amore.

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Mads Lynnerup, Take a Day for Yourself! 

The genre-crossing Danish artist mounts a whimsical yet searching investigation of the everyday, incorporating video, posters, and ordinary people from the Troy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute communities.

Sophie Kahn & Lisa Parra, Body/Traces 

Illuminating the physical presence and disappearance of the body, this work addresses the questions: What happens to the body in motion when it becomes a still image? And what becomes of that image when it is returned to the moving body whence it came?


Exhibitions open Monday - Saturday, noon - 6 PM 
Free + Open to the Public

The posters in Mads Lynnerup's exhibition Take a Day for Yourself! signed by the artist are available for purchase by request. Order one now! 


THEVERYMANY / Marc Fornes: Text Based Morphologies 
Wednesday October 28, 6 PM 
Presented by: Architecture Rensselaer 

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You've already attended an event at EMPAC. Great! Can't wait to see you again. And you've read about EMPAC's residencies and commissioning programs. We hope you're as excited about them as we are!
Now, you're looking for more ways to be part of the EMPAC community. You've got it: Keep up on EMPAC events, information and conversation by joining the EMPAC Facebook group and by following us on Twitter. On Facebook, you'll find member-posted photos and videos, and be able to join in the discussion of all things EMPAC. On Twitter, you'll get our lastest last minute event info reminders, and maybe even a few surprises! Stop by soon.




EMPAC 2009-2010 presentations, residencies and commissions are supported by grants from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts' Regional Touring Program, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Dance Project of the New England Foundation for the Arts (with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; additional funding provided by the Ford Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Community Connections Fund of the MetLife Foundation;) and the New York State Council for the Arts. Special thanks to the The Jaffe Fund for Experimental Media and Performing Arts for support for artist commissions.

You are receiving this announcement because you signed up for the EMPAC news list either on or on an old-timey piece of paper somewhere in the EMPAC building or at an EMPAC event. You may unsubscribe anytime you want of course of course! - The EMPAC Team

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EMPAC @ Rensselaer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180

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Copyright (C) 2009 EMPAC @ Rensselaer All rights reserved.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

[HvEXAS] Tonight, 9pm ||| Thursday Mix-Up ||| White Lotus & Nate da Great spinning eclectic hip-hop, funk, disco, and your new favorite song ||| Daisy Baker's, Free


Thursday Mix-up

with DJs White Lotus & Nate da Great

Presented by Goodship and Daisy Baker's

** $2 PBR cans, all night. **
** [amazing] Burgers until 10:30 **

Every Thursday this Fall (Tonight!)

Daisy Baker's

9pm to 1am


33 2nd Street

Troy, NY 12180


Thursdays is the new Friday, ya heard?

Nate da Great and White Lotus throw down funk, hip hop, disco and woah every Thursday this Fall, 9pm, at Daisy Baker's.

Every week this fall come drink a beer, max out and groove to White Lotus and Nate da Great. These two know good music for real. Nate da Great had one of the best hip hop shows e.v.e.r. on WRPI, and White Lotus is a regional veteran of rhyme-spitting and wax-scratching.

It's like woah.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

[HvEXAS] EMPAC | The Break/s: a mixtape for the stage | Friday & Saturday, October 23 & 24, 8 PM


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The Break/s: a mixtape for the stage 
Marc Bamuthi Joseph for The Living Word Project 
Directed by Michael John GarcĂŠs 
Produced by MAPP International Productions 
Friday & Saturday October 23 & 24, 8:00 PM 
$15 / $10 / $5 

Friday | Saturday

The Break/s is a multimedia travelogue of Planet Hip-Hop, where an art form forged in the street meets the commercial and cultural stresses of globalism. Using movement, spoken word, and personal narrative, poet and hip-hop theater sensation Marc Bamuthi Joseph explores the personal costs of hip-hop's ascendancy from a local political art movement to a worldwide phenomenon.

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Art21: Systems 
Wednesday October 28, 7:30 PM 
Free + Open to the Public

A special preview screening of Systems, the fourth episode from the fifth season of the award-winning program Art21, including interviews with Julie Mehretu, John Baldessari, Kimsooja, and Allan McCollum.

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New Nothing 
Zs & Little Women 
Friday October 30, 8 PM 
$15 / $10 / $5 

"These days, anything goes..."  Zs, the scariest band from EMPAC's Between a Rock and a Tiny Bell concert, returns on Halloween (well ok, a day before) for a careening set of "[sputtering] Morse code dots of percussion and saxophone" (Ben Sisario, New York Times) as part of the New Nothing series.  Opening will be Little Women, a quartet whose ghost notes and violent disassembling of their instruments concoct riotous sets that run the gamut from pop to free jazz to noise and back again.

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Marc Downie: FIELD Talk and Weekend-long workshop 
Talk: Friday November 6, 7 PM 
Free + Open to the Public 
Workshop: Saturday & Sunday November 7 & 8 
$110 / $55 

Marc Downie, the creator of the powerful digital art programming environment FIELD, gives a talk on the software and leads a two-day workshop in its manifold uses.

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Saturday November 7, 7:30 PM 

The official premiere of four new works created through this year's DANCE MOViES Commission, the EMPAC program that brings together moving bodies and the moving image.

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Mads Lynnerup, Take a Day for Yourself! 

The genre-crossing Danish artist mounts a whimsical yet searching investigation of the everyday, incorporating video, posters, and ordinary people from the Troy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute communities.

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Sophie Kahn & Lisa Parra, Body/Traces 

Illuminating the physical presence and disappearance of the body, this work addresses the questions: What happens to the body in motion when it becomes a still image? And what becomes of that image when it is returned to the moving body whence it came?

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Exhibitions are open Monday - Saturday, noon - 6 PM 
Free + Open to the Public

The posters in Mads Lynnerup's exhibition Take a Day for Yourself! signed by the artist are available for purchase by request. Order one now! 

Campus + Community 

Marc Bamuthi Joseph 
Friday October 23, 1 PM 
A special "behind-the-scenes" look + talk by Marc Bamuthi Joseph for the Rensselaer Community. 

RPI Percussion Ensemble, Symphonic Band and the Symphony Orchestra 
Saturday October 24, 2 PM 
Presented by: Rensselaer Music Association 

NOX/Lars Spuybroek: The Radical Picturesque 
Monday October 26, 6 PM 
Presented by: Architecture Rensselaer 

Facebook + Twitter 

You've already attended an event at EMPAC. Great! Can't wait to see you again. And you've read about EMPAC's residencies and commissioning programs. We hope you're as excited about them as we are!

Now, you're looking for more ways to be part of the EMPAC community. You've got it: Keep up on EMPAC events, information and conversation by joining the EMPAC Facebook group and by following us on Twitter. On Facebook, you'll find member-posted photos and videos, and be able to join in the discussion of all things EMPAC. On Twitter, you'll get our lastest last minute event info reminders, and maybe even a few surprises! Stop by soon.



EMPAC 2009-2010 presentations, residencies and commissions are supported by grants from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts' Regional Touring Program, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Dance Project of the New England Foundation for the Arts (with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; additional funding provided by the Ford Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Community Connections Fund of the MetLife Foundation;) and the New York State Council for the Arts. Special thanks to the The Jaffe Fund for Experimental Media and Performing Arts for support for artist commissions.

You are receiving this announcement because you signed up for the EMPAC news list either on or on an old-timey piece of paper somewhere in the EMPAC building or at an EMPAC event. You may unsubscribe anytime you want of course of course! - The EMPAC Team

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Plan your visit to EMPAC! Get directions, maps, parking info, and a visitors guide. 

Our mailing address is:
EMPAC @ Rensselaer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180

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Copyright © 2009 EMPAC @ Rensselaer 
All rights reserved.

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