Friday, July 25, 2008

[HvEXAS] REMINDER: the official unofficial troy night out afterparty | fri. 07/25 from 10 pm to 2 am | daisy baker's, troy, ny

quick note: the part about "taking it to the street" is still just
awesome, but is now more of a metaphor. in that the outside portion
of the evening's whatnot has been cancelled and everything will now
start at 10 pm, leaving you that much more time and energy to take it
to the streets.... in your mind. but inside really. make sense?

i have another metaphor for you, which is less of a metaphor than an
actual request: drag people along! tell your co-workers or people on
the bus or that you met in the delicatessen! bring me a balloon.
and so forth...


(Please forward / re-distribute as you see fit...)

The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out Afterparty
(presented by Goodship & Daisy Baker's)

Friday, July 25, 2008
8 to 10 pm : on the streets! / 10 pm to 2 am: we head inside!
Daisy Baker's (upstairs + downstairs)
33 2nd Street, Troy, New York
FREE / got to be 18 to get in (ID required)

Last month was crazy, right? Somehow, amidst the lure of impending
fireworks and dreams of independence, the Goodship crew got kidnapped
by some wild Albany ruffians! Whatever happened, I can only hope it
was at the bare minimum fresh (crazy fresh is just too much to hope
for). No kidnappings or skullduggery this month - we are, however,
rolling the whole shebang a few blocks south this month for a lovely
reuniting with Daisy Baker's. And, in the words of Michael McDonald,
we are taking it to the streets! As the streets are still filled
with the revelry that is Troy Night Out, the Goodship crew will be
filling the streets with the in sounds from way out from 8 to 10 pm -
or at least whatever cml is spinning that night. Then it all segues
from outside to inside, where all your favorites will be holding it
down for those without a fear of enclosed spaces (or the very real
fear of having a full-on Friday night). Yow.

The Heat Is On! It's On The Streets!
Well, then it moves into Daisy Baker's...


cml (regional "duck hunt" champ of '95 and again in '97)
back from japan (international boot scoot boogie)
jenkins (dexterity equals plus 1 - so lame)


Vodstrup (a silver globe is almost as good as a golden one, right?)
skfl (good good good good vibrations)



+ For more information on The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out
Afterparty, please visit or http://

+ For more information on Troy Night Out, please visit http://
+ For more information on Goodship, please visit http:// or
+ For more information on Revolution Hall, please call 518.266.9200
or visit

+ For more information on CML, please visit
+ For more information on Vodstrup, please visit http://

+ For more information on back from japan, please visit http://
+ For more information on jenkins, please visit http://
+ For more information on skfl, please visit (it might take a
second to load)


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