woo. hoo.
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The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out Afterparty
(presented by Goodship & Revolution Hall)
Friday, September 26, 2008
9 pm to 2:30 am
Revolution Hall
425 River Street, Troy, New York, 12180
$8 advance / $10 day of / got to be 18 to get in (ID required)
Ready the resurrection bodies folks, because The RAPTURE is upon us!
So is it pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib? And are you truly ready to
be taken away so very early in the night? And what the heck am I even
talking about? Here's a hint: It starts with an Official Unnofficial
and end with an Afterparty, only this month the booty shaking begins
promptly at 9pm. No messing around this time, we've got true believers
that need to dance their way to salvation and it's gonna take at least
5 hours to get them there. So buy your tickets early and get on the
Goodship this TNO, staring DJ Mattie Safer as your captain and etc. as
your all-star crew.
...holy smokes, The Rapture DJ's!!!
The sound line-up:
11 pm - mattie safer of The Rapture: Can you say basement after-party
disco beats, and basically the entire premises for this press release?
Flying solo for TNO, he's been out on tour with three of the other
Rapture dudes this summer playing DJ. (Bands are so passé, anyway).
And when I say playing I mean dominating. And when I say Rapture, I
mean as in House of Jealous lovers. And when I say DJ, I mean as in no-
band-in-tow. Color me a believer.
9:30 pm - the pelham 123: Give it up for the souls in Purgatory,
because this kid is a soulful skipper if there ever was one! Pelham is
relocating from NYC to Troy for one night only to add a little cloven
hoof-style mischievous house music to the mix. Certainly no stranger
to the Afterparty, Mr. Pelham knows how we like to move it up here in
the 518. He doles out house sounds of the underground mixed with some
dirty beats and thunderous bumps. Every flock needs a little
temptation from the righteous path once in a while.
opening - mcgillicuddy: Trust me, you really want to bunk with this
cat on a one-way trip to paradise. Her style is 100% "up in the
bedroom", and I don't mean of the sensual fashion. Imagine someone
went through all the records from every decade, picked out only the
hot songs, and then invited you up to their bedroom to listen at top
volume. No Parental Units + records + cheap (legal) booze = Winning
Combo. Thank heaven for little girls.
12:30 am - back from japan: BFJ is our shepard for the night, and when
this kid throws it down you shall not want. Period. 'Nuff said. WWBFJD?
1:30 am - jenks: If Goodship was really a ship and really had a bow up
front, there would be a figurehead protruding in the shape of Jenks,
whose job would be to part any seas encountered. He's like a swinging
battle axe of knowledge, except instead of knowledge he swings bass
fielderblank - sound art and snazzy suits by day, VJ by night.
Instrumentalization meets pretty pictures on his output source in a
way that will make any wafers and wine combo hugely more satisfying
than if eaten alone. And that's kind of funny, cause his video is
calming like cookies and milk after school but in a pg-13 kind of
kitchen. Maybe with Garth's mom from Waynes World serving them.
color commentary - it's more like a movie in mini segments. A movie-
ella? This kid has got video fans, folks. Prepare to stop dancing and
stare in genuine interest and sometimes utter shock as his live edited
antics float across the screen. Director Color Commentary is what I
call him behind his back when I'm all alone in my room watching his
work. Wait, what? Pretend I never said that.
blar - play on words is what this VJ is all about. Resist the urge to
run up and scream, "arg, blarg, pirates!" in his face while he's
editing video for the masses. His work is freak-tastic and kind of
fills you with the spirit and adds to the dancing convulsion on the
floor. This is exactly what you'll need to complement the Rapture DJ
+ For more information on The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out
Afterparty, please visit http://www.goodship
+ For more information on Troy Night Out, please visit http://www.troynigh
+ For more information on Goodship, please visit http://www.goodship
or http://facebook.
+ For more information on Revolution Hall, please call 518.274.0553 or
visit http://revolutionha
+ For more information on The Rapture DJs, please visit http://www.pitchfor
+ For more information on The Pelham123, please visit http://www.rsso.
+ For more information on McGillicuddy, please visit http://www.explodin
+ For more information on fielderblank, please visit http://www.finenois
+ For more information on blar, please visit http://www.vimeo.
+ For more information on color commentary, please visit http://farm1.
+ For more information on back from japan, please visit http://www.myspace.
+ For more information on jenkins, please visit http://www.myspace.
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1 comment:
I can't decide if you are sacrilegious, blasphemous, or just simply Hell-bound. Or maybe that your mother made a mistake in not aborting you. At least you're in New Yuck which is near New Dingalingland (Boston etc.). Maybe the Lord will allow something into your life to make you think deeply about becoming something other than an overly-blessed ingrate who possibly never learned what to do with a dime or a breath of air. M.E.
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