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TALK, DEMO Full Immersion
Experts in panoramic art talk + demonstration
Tuesday November 17, 7 PM
Free + Open to the PublicAn exceptional panel of international artists, engineers, and producers representing the evolving field of works created for the 360-degree panoramic screen. The talk is followed by a reception with the speakers and artists. Attendees will also have a chance to see Workspace Unlimited's installation They Watch on the panoramic screen in Goodman Theater Studio 1.
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SCREENING, SERIESIn Examined Life, filmmaker Astra Taylor accompanies some of today's most influential thinkers on a series of unique excursions through places and spaces that hold particular resonance for them and their ideas.
Featuring Cornel West, Avital Ronell, Peter Singer, Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler and others, the film offers privileged moments with thinkers from fields ranging from moral philosophy to cultural theory. Examined Life reveals philosophy's power to transform the way we see the world around us and imagine our place in it.
The screening will be followed by a talk with Astra Taylor.
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PERFORMANCEChunky Move/Gideon Obarzanek (Australia)
Thursday & Friday December 3 & 4, 7 & 9 PM
$15 / $10 / $5In GLOW, by Australian company Chunky Move, a solo dancer both sensual and grotesque thrashes through a constantly shifting habitat of light.
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TALKFrieder Weiss
Wednesday December 2, 7 PM
Free + Open to the PublicAs the interactive system designer for GLOW, Frieder Weiss is one of the foremost experts in realtime computing and computer systems in performance art.
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WORKSHOPFrieder Weiss: Perceivable Bodies Workshop
Saturday December 5, 9:30 AM
Free + Open to the PublicFrieder Weiss, creator of the media environment in Chunky Move's GLOW, will give a hands-on workshop on video motion sensing technologies and his interactive software for performance. Attendance is limited to 15 participants, so reserve your spot soon at the EMPAC Box Office.
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ONGOING EXHIBITIONSWorkspace Unlimited: They WatchAn installation that immerses the viewer in an ambiguous liminal space where the virtual merges with real and the observer becomes the observed.Studio 1 - Goodman through November 21 (last week!)Mads Lynnerup, Take a Day for Yourself!The genre-crossing Danish artist mounts a whimsical yet searching investigation of the everyday, incorporating video, posters, and ordinary people from the Troy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute communities.
Mezzanine through December 16Sophie Kahn & Lisa Parra, Body/TracesIlluminating the physical presence and disappearance of the body, this work addresses the questions: What happens to the body in motion when it becomes a still image? And what becomes of that image when it is returned to the moving body whence it came?
Level 4 through December 16![]()
Open Monday through Saturday, noon - 6 PM
Free + Open to the Public Campus+CommunityPiano x2 x4: Compositions for Two and Four Pianos
Wednesday November 18, 12 PM
Free + Open to the Public
Presented by: Performing Arts Committee & The Rensselaer UnionBarkow Leibinger Architects, "Revolutions of Choice"
Wednesday November 18, 6 PM
Presented by: Architecture RensselaerPartial Credit's Fall Show
Saturday November 21, 8 PM
http://partialcredit.union.rpi. edu/
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EMPAC 2009-2010 presentations, residencies and commissions are supported by grants from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts' Regional Touring Program, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Dance Project of the New England Foundation for the Arts (with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; additional funding provided by the Ford Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Community Connections Fund of the MetLife Foundation;) and the New York State Council for the Arts. Special thanks to the The Jaffe Fund for Experimental Media and Performing Arts for support for artist commissions.
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