Wednesday, March 19, 2008

[HvEXAS] REMINDER: the official unofficial troy night out afterparty | fri. 03/28 from 9 pm to 3 am | rev. hall, troy, ny

(Please forward / re-distribute as you see fit...)

The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out Afterparty
(presented by Goodship)

Friday, March 28, 2008
9 pm to 3 am
Revolution Hall
425 River street, Troy, New York, 12180
only $2 / got to be 18 to get in (ID required)

What, oh what, Would Goodship Do? First off, we would ask for fifteen
cents every time you use that zinger - plus we would charge double if
you turn such hotness into a tattoo (you get double the high fives,
though). And then, just as a lark, we would probably do up one of
those new fangled Official Unofficial Troy Night Out afterparties
that the kids cannot stop talking about around the water bubbler
(bubble, water - BUBBLE). Disengage that parking brake, junior - we
are rolling backwards down the hill, careening towards fun. And,
ironically, you just happen to be riding with fun (I know, right?).
Well, and Joro-Boro and Pandemic Pete are riding shotgun, as it was
in their awesome, awesome rider (mineral water? really?). And, as
always, strapped to the top, is the usual collection of hoboes,
malcontents, fire-spinners, jaywalkers, freemasons, and blithering
idiots we call "regulars" - bless their bonnets and so forth. So I
ask again: What Would Goodship Do? Well, we would of course hope you
can make it, you old so-and-so.


Joro-Boro (The man, the myth, the mayhem - welcome back)
Pandemic Pete (As if the aforementioned mayhem was not enough, now we
have a freaking pandemic! Perfect.)
face removal services (Touching the sky on a bimonthly basis, it seems)
Dostoevsky's Pistols (Bulgarian themed RPI band with more members
than the Brady Bunch)
back from japan (The pastor of plastic beats and blastic... pleats?)
jenkins (Got a blue medal at the fair - he still has not told us what
it is about, though...)


Blar (VJ for the last czar - yeah, you could call him "Rasputin")
skfl (Couldn't get the sword from the stone, but he apparently got a
pixel or two as consolation)



+ For more information on The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out
Afterparty, please visit and http://

+ For more information on Troy Night Out, please visit http://
+ For more information on Goodship, please visit http:// or
+ For more information on Revolution Hall, please call 518.274.0553
or visit

+ For more information on Joro-Boro, please visit http://www.joro-
+ For more information on Pandemic Pete, please visit http://
+ For more information on Dostoevsky's Pistols, please visit http://
+ For more Information on face removal services, please visit http://
+ For more information on Blar, please visit

+ For more information on back from japan, please visit http://
+ For more information on jenkins, please visit http://
+ For more information on skfl, please visit (it might take a
second to load)


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[HvEXAS] the official unofficial troy night out afterparty | fri. 03/28 from 9 pm to 3 am | rev. hall, troy, ny

(Please forward / re-distribute as you see fit...)

The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out Afterparty
(presented by Goodship)

Friday, March 28, 2008
9 pm to 3 am
Revolution Hall
425 River street, Troy, New York, 12180
only $2 / got to be 18 to get in (ID required)

What, oh what, Would Goodship Do? First off, we would ask for fifteen
cents every time you use that zinger - plus we would charge double if
you turn such hotness into a tattoo (you get double the high fives,
though). And then, just as a lark, we would probably do up one of
those new fangled Official Unofficial Troy Night Out afterparties
that the kids cannot stop talking about around the water bubbler
(bubble, water - BUBBLE). Disengage that parking brake, junior - we
are rolling backwards down the hill, careening towards fun. And,
ironically, you just happen to be riding with fun (I know, right?).
Well, and Joro-Boro and Pandemic Pete are riding shotgun, as it was
in their awesome, awesome rider (mineral water? really?). And, as
always, strapped to the top, is the usual collection of hoboes,
malcontents, fire-spinners, jaywalkers, freemasons, and blithering
idiots we call "regulars" - bless their bonnets and so forth. So I
ask again: What Would Goodship Do? Well, we would of course hope you
can make it, you old so-and-so.


Joro-Boro (The man, the myth, the mayhem - welcome back)
Pandemic Pete (As if the aforementioned mayhem was not enough, now we
have a freaking pandemic! Perfect.)
face removal services (Touching the sky on a bimonthly basis, it seems)
Dostoevsky's Pistols (Bulgarian themed RPI band with more members
than the Brady Bunch)
back from japan (The pastor of plastic beats and blastic... pleats?)
jenkins (Got a blue medal at the fair - he still has not told us what
it is about, though...)


Blar (VJ for the last czar - yeah, you could call him "Rasputin")
skfl (Couldn't get the sword from the stone, but he apparently got a
pixel or two as consolation)



+ For more information on The Official Unofficial Troy Night Out
Afterparty, please visit and http://

+ For more information on Troy Night Out, please visit http://
+ For more information on Goodship, please visit http:// or
+ For more information on Revolution Hall, please call 518.274.0553
or visit

+ For more information on Joro-Boro, please visit http://www.joro-
+ For more information on Pandemic Pete, please visit http://
+ For more information on Dostoevsky's Pistols, please visit http://
+ For more Information on face removal services, please visit http://
+ For more information on Blar, please visit

+ For more information on back from japan, please visit http://
+ For more information on jenkins, please visit http://
+ For more information on skfl, please visit (it might take a
second to load)


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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

[HvEXAS] Hear iEar presents The Hudson Mohawk Sound Gate Radio Show

Dear Friends,

I would like to announce the second realization of my current project,
The Hudson Mohawk Sound Gate:
a radio program every Wednesday on WRPI Troy, 91.5 FM from noon until 2pm.

Live internet streaming can be found at

For the next several months, I will guide a time traveling listening
experience designed to discover the Earth, its people and creations that
together compose the soundscape of upstate New York alongside the Hudson
and Mohawk Rivers, and in particular the area where these great rivers meet.

Through lecture, narration, music and field recordings, every show will
journey into past informational representations of Deep Time, Native
American Worlds, European Colonization, and the United States. Likewise
every show will reflect the present local soundscape as well as
concerns, ideas and visions of the future.

I would like to invite you to contribute to this project through your
knowledge and representation. I will be pleased to accept sound
recordings of music, poetry, story, science, religion and any other
elements describing or composing the local soundscape. I will be happy
to read text, and travel to record musicians, storytellers and other
areas of interest. The significance of the contribution is not to be
undermined, as every element makes an important interference into the
sound field.

I would also like to announce a website designed for the archival and
directory of this project:

Both the radio show and website will begin Wednesday March 12, 2008.

happy listening,
Charles Veasey

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Monday, March 03, 2008

[HvEXAS] Pogus business and If, Bwana pleasure

Some business and pleasure
Business first (ringtone info) and them
my activities for March/early April 2008

RINGTONES!!!!- While I hate to shill for the big boys like iTunes - they are
offering 5 titles from the Pogus DIY Canons cd as being available for
ringtones! Apparently if you download one of the tracks you can then use
iTunes's ringtone editor to make a ringtone. So if you want something a
little different on your phone and also the opportunity to help a little
financially - go for it.

THURSDAY MARCH 13, 2008 ‹ Al Margolis / Denman Maroney
Al Margolis manipulating prerecorded sounds and sampling; Lisa Barnard,
vocals; Monique Buzzarté, trombone; Tom Hamilton, electronics; Jacqueline
Martelle, flute; and Katherine Liberovskaya, video.

20 Greene Street between Canal and Grand, 2 blocks west of Broadway
$15 general admission/$10 students, seniors, Harvestworks & DTW members
Roulette and Location One members free
Reservations: 212-219-8242 / Information: 212-627-0990
All concerts begin at 8pm

Wednesday, March 19th at 7 PM
Compositions by Al Margolis; Robert Voisey; Douglas Cohen; Christian McLeer;
David Gamper; George Brunner

The Tempest Project concert will take place on Wednesday, March 19th at 7 PM
on the Whitman stage at Brooklyn College. It is part of the 18th Biannual
International Electroacoustic Music Festival.

Friday 28 March 2008
Présences électroniques : Le programme
Maison de Radio France, Salle Olivier Messiaen
Jean-Claude Risset, Michel Guillet, Portradium, Kaffe Mathews, Al Margolis /
If, Bwana
20h Entrée libre
Gratuit - Maison de Radio France, Salle Messiaen, entrée Porte A, 116 avenue
du Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris
And more info on the above Festival at:

Fri April 4th, De Witte Zaal, Gent
Odradek presents If, Bwana feat. Dan Warburton; Illusion of Safety (IOS);
doors: 8pm / tickets: EUR5/EUR6
De Witte Zaal, Posteernestraat 64, 9000 Gent

- Brussels 5 April 2008 (If Bwana):
A. Dansaertstraat 96 - 1000 Brussels (B)

- KOLN 6 April 2008 (IOS)/IF BWANA /mecha/orga)
studio 672 / stadtgarten
venloer str. 40
50672 koeln
doors 20.00h first act: 20.45h
price: 7 presales, 10 on the door

- Vienna 8 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde):
Guertelbogen 37-38 1080 Wien (A)

- Brno 9 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde)
Kounicova 23
BRNO (Cz) <>

- Prague 10 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde/Schloss Tegal)
BUNKR PARUKARKA - Praha (cz) <>

- Berlin 11 April 2008
Ausland (yet to be confirmed)

- Hamburg 12 April 2008 (IOS/IF BWANA/ONDE)
Rote Flora
Achidi-John-Platz 1 (ex Schulterblatt 71)
20357 Hamburg <>

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