Some business and pleasure
Business first (ringtone info) and them
my activities for March/early April 2008
offering 5 titles from the Pogus DIY Canons cd as being available for
ringtones! Apparently if you download one of the tracks you can then use
iTunes's ringtone editor to make a ringtone. So if you want something a
little different on your phone and also the opportunity to help a little
financially - go for it.
THURSDAY MARCH 13, 2008 Al Margolis / Denman Maroney
Al Margolis manipulating prerecorded sounds and sampling; Lisa Barnard,
vocals; Monique Buzzarté, trombone; Tom Hamilton, electronics; Jacqueline
Martelle, flute; and Katherine Liberovskaya, video.
20 Greene Street between Canal and Grand, 2 blocks west of Broadway
$15 general admission/$10 students, seniors, Harvestworks & DTW members
Roulette and Location One members free
Reservations: 212-219-8242 / Information: 212-627-0990
All concerts begin at 8pm
Wednesday, March 19th at 7 PM
Compositions by Al Margolis; Robert Voisey; Douglas Cohen; Christian McLeer;
David Gamper; George Brunner
The Tempest Project concert will take place on Wednesday, March 19th at 7 PM
on the Whitman stage at Brooklyn College. It is part of the 18th Biannual
International Electroacoustic Music Festival.
Friday 28 March 2008
Présences électroniques : Le programme
Maison de Radio France, Salle Olivier Messiaen
Jean-Claude Risset, Michel Guillet, Portradium, Kaffe Mathews, Al Margolis /
If, Bwana
20h Entrée libre
Gratuit - Maison de Radio France, Salle Messiaen, entrée Porte A, 116 avenue
du Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris
And more info on the above Festival at:
Fri April 4th, De Witte Zaal, Gent
Odradek presents If, Bwana feat. Dan Warburton; Illusion of Safety (IOS);
doors: 8pm / tickets: EUR5/EUR6
De Witte Zaal, Posteernestraat 64, 9000 Gent
- Brussels 5 April 2008 (If Bwana):
A. Dansaertstraat 96 - 1000 Brussels (B)
- KOLN 6 April 2008 (IOS)/IF BWANA /mecha/orga)
studio 672 / stadtgarten
venloer str. 40
50672 koeln
doors 20.00h first act: 20.45h
price: 7 presales, 10 on the door
reservations: zipo@aufabwegen.
- Vienna 8 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde):
Guertelbogen 37-38 1080 Wien (A)
- Brno 9 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde)
Kounicova 23
- Prague 10 April 2008 (IOS/If Bwana/Onde/Schloss Tegal)
- Berlin 11 April 2008
Ausland (yet to be confirmed)
- Hamburg 12 April 2008 (IOS/IF BWANA/ONDE)
Rote Flora
20357 Hamburg <http://www.nadir.
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